College of Pharmacy welcomes class of 2019

IMG_0175 copy 2The University of Florida College of Pharmacy welcomed 237 aspiring pharmacists to orientation on Aug. 10, as the class of 2019 began their four-year journey toward a pharmacy degree.

Students from all three College of Pharmacy campuses in Gainesville, Jacksonville and Orlando gathered for the two-day, all-campus orientation to learn about resources and information to help them succeed as a pharmacy student. For many students, the event provided the first opportunity to meet new classmates and get to know faculty and leadership at the College of Pharmacy.

Dean Julie Johnson, Pharm.D., addressed the entering class during the opening session and encouraged students to learn as much as possible about the critical role pharmacists play in health care. She told students that many great opportunities await pharmacists and to get involved with some of the outstanding student organizations at the college.

“We have a lot to offer you here at the College of Pharmacy, and we look forward to molding you into a great pharmacist in the next four years,” Johnson said.

Orientation offered students an introduction to the college’s new Pharm.D. curriculum that rolls out in the fall of 2015. The curriculum was designed for the 21st century pharmacist with an emphasis on interprofessional, team-based learning, and personal and professional development. College leaders also explained how new technology is integrated into the curriculum to expand learning opportunities.

Students arriving for fall classes represented the College of Pharmacy’s 92nd entering Pharm.D. class. The college is the oldest of the six health science colleges at the University of Florida.

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